Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The little plumeria that could (I hope)

I finally got around to going to the local hardware store and picked out a cute pot with a hole in the bottom. I proceeded to spend $7 on 5lbs of rocks which I think is kinda dumb since I could have just found some or something. Picked up some sand. Grabbed some soil. Ok, I think I got this. Maybe.

What you need to know about me is the reason I've been putting off planting my little plumeria is because I'm TERRIFIED. Over the course of the last couple years I've killed multiple orchid plants, a beautiful hydrangea which changed colors over the course of its blooming (I have yet to find another one that does that--it was a special hybrid that I found at Lowe's one day while I was on a mission to make my grandparents' anniversary invitations and I needed to press some green flowers to make the invites), countless herbs, and yes, even a few cacti!!!!!! I don't know what it is with me, but for some reason I have a very difficult time keeping plants alive. As we speak I have a bamboo shoot that is dying in a ceramic pot in my bathroom. You only have to let those things sit in water--how does it manage to die on me?!?!

Not wanting to bear all of the burden of this plant perhaps not taking root, I had the bf help me out. I figured if I had an accomplice it wouldn't be all my fault if the thing never decided to grow. So off we started. Poured rocks at the bottom. Added the mix of sand and dirt. Planted the stalk in the soil a third of the way in. Water generously, then again only when the soil is completely dry (ok well I have yet to do the last part, it's still wet).

Spartacus wanted to help too
I even took it inside after I planted it because over the weekend it was hailing. I did have enough common sense to know that a tropical plant probably wouldn't be too keen on being left outside in the freezing cold. That's just cruel.

Keeping my fingers crossed that it does well, takes root, and starts sprouting some leaves!

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