Saturday, February 26, 2011

The SD challenge

A couple of weeks ago I was begging the bf to take me to Coronado and watch the sun set. He was initially hesitant, as he doesn't like to brave the hordes of tourists and townies alike vying for a patch of bench real estate to catch a glimpse of the sun sink into the Pacific. I explained to him that a sunset was in order, that I wanted to get a chance to see the elusive "green flash", that I wanted to --"Green flash? What are you talking about?"

"Well, the green flash is... um, at the very last moment before the sun dips below the horizon, sometimes you can see a green flash." At which point I had to pull out the 'ol smart phone to wikipedia why, in fact, said green flash occurs.

Growing up I was the most inquisitive person on the face of the planet. I would ask questions constantly about why things were the way they were and I soaked up every bit of knowledge I could. So, of course it was only natural for me to feel the need to find out while sitting on a bench with my hot Chai latte to counter the cool breezy evening.

(found this photo on wiki)

"Ok wikipedia says it has to do with the light slowing down because of the density of the air towards the horizon. The rays follow paths that curve in the same direction as the curvature. Blue and green--that end of the spectrum has a higher frequency and curves more than the reds and oranges--lower frequency light, so green light from the setting sun can still be seen for a brief moment after the red light is obstructed by the earth's curvature. Kinda like for the same reason the sky is blue I guess."

Ok so that was a total lesson physics. What can I say, I'm partial to it. I was a physics major for two years and some change, sorry for nerding out!

So there we sat, on the bench, waiting for the sun to set. Unfortunately, there were too many clouds along the horizon to catch a sunset, so we decided to escape the cold and walk back to the car.

"Next time," he said.

So it was then that I decided that we should make it a point to visit at least one point of interest in every suburb of SD. I'll post the checklist and highlights in my next post!

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